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The ACMA Australian Chinese Medical Association held a Mediterranean cooking session at the Metro Hotel Marlow Sydney Central in Sydney on Saturday 24th March. The chef, using his superb cooking skills demonstrated each dish to the members, who watched on with interest, before participating in the experience of cooking the dishes themselves.

The event was sponsored by Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology. VictorsFood, one of TimeOut's Top 10 Cooking schools in Sydney, as the co-organizer of this cooking seminar, sent 5 professional chefs to teach our members how to cook this Mediterranean-style three-course dinner.  It was a temporary escape from the everyday stress of medical work, and an exciting experience in the Mediterranean specialty of cooking.  High praises were given.

 “We had such a good time. It is a lot of fun and everybody is cooking. There are lots of buzz around, music is going, everyone is happy, everyone is cooking, and everyone enjoys the beautiful food. It is a fantastic idea! Thank you ACMA” member Dr. Lai said happily.

The event lasted for over 3 hours and it was not until 8 o’clock when people finally departed.


ACMA澳华医学会在324日周六下午五点,组织RSVP35名会员在雪梨Metro Hotel 进行了一场与地中海烹饪深度碰撞的体验分享会。这也是澳华医学会2018狗年开年的首场互动交流活动,大家在对新的一年的展望和对第一次尝试的地中海烹饪的热烈分享中度过了一个美妙的夜晚。

这次的会员活动是由澳华医学会长期合作方Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology友情赞助的 DHMBlair先生也代表活动主办方向到场的会员致以最真挚的问候和欢迎。

TimeOut雪梨Top 10烹饪学校的Victors Food作为这次厨艺切磋大会的协办方,派出5名大厨,将会员们分为3组分别领取食材,展开这场地中海风味三道式大餐的小组教学。会员们每个人都跃跃欲试地戴上写有自己名字的厨师帽,在认真听取老师们的讲解后,卷起衣袖、切菜、洗锅、点火、放油、烩炒、烹烤……每个人都非常享受烹饪的每一个环节给自己和参与活动的亲朋好友带来的乐趣,可谓别开生面又热火朝天。

“我觉得这次活动太棒了,今晚很高兴,每个人都特别积极地学做这些自己家里不可能尝试去做的菜品。异域风情的音乐,当然还有今晚的主角---出自我们自己之手的美味的地中海食物,这些都让人为今晚的热情洋溢所沉醉!”会员Dr. Lai开心地说。




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M: 0431 457 368

F: 02 9267 0003

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