Tuesday 25 May 2021, 19:00 - 21:30
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Chat with mentors informally / You can ask them anything!
- Many careers represented, incl. surg, med, specialities, GP, creative, etc
- Chat with key sponsors, such as finance, locum, MDO, tax, etc
- We welcome Interns, JMOs, CMOs, Registrars, Trainees, Locums
- Cocktail Party with drinks & canapes
- Networking / Mingle with old friends / Meet new ones!
- Lucky door prizes (wine, T-shirts, caps & more)
- Social event not to be missed!
- Admission $25 / Free for ACMA Members
- Consider joining ACMA on the night (anyone can join!)
Limited numbers - so RSVP essential before 18th May 2021.
For details, please see flyer. Here is a list of all our Mentors.
Location Club Burwood RSL